What We Believe

Core values

Our core values are the preferences and choices we make at St. John Missionary Baptist Church in our life together.  They way we behave reflects what we truly value as a congregation.  Values are not an idea, nor a program, nor a goal.  Core Values are reflected in the consistent choices we make in our Church on a daily, monthly, and yearly basis.


We are passionate about our spirituality, (i.e., how we pray, evangelize, disciple, worship, fellowship, and serve).  We are committed to live our faith with passionate fervor (i.e., commitment, fire, and enthusiasm).


We are committed to a lifestyle and environment where every person is growing in an understanding and in practice of building healthy, God-honoring relationships as a result of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ; where every person is valued, treated with mutual respect and sensitivity, recognizing the importance of diversity. We treat others with the highest degree of dignity, equality, and trust.


We accept our individual and corporate responsibility to live a responsible life of stewardship and giving to the Lord and His work as a reminder that all we have is His and comes from Him. We accept our individual responsibility for our behavior in all of our decisions and actions according to the authoritative Word of God.


We are committed to act with honesty and maintain the highest ethical and moral standards, demonstrating fairness in every action we take, not compromising the truth of God's Word.


We are caring neighbors, involved in community activities in meaningful ways and committed to reflecting Christ to a diverse community we serve.


We are to be and do our best in quality and in everything we do for the Lord to His praise, glory and honor.

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