Sunday Services - in person or online - 10:30 am EST
Face Masks Optional
Vision Statement
The vision of St. John Missionary Baptist Church is to glorify God by providing discipleship, caring, and nurturing, healing and support through the gospel of Jesus Christ, to those in Clark County, Miami Valley, and extended community. Through a total investment in God's people, we strive to create a dynamic and vibrant family life experience through spirit filled and celebrative worship, fellowship, discipleship, outreach and service.
church values
wednesday noon walk-in worship

sign - up for text messages with GLOO

2025 scholarship application
read the bible in 1 year

Services are live streamed sundays at 10:30 AM EST
Note: If you've been blessed by this and other sermons, please Subscribe to our channel by hitting the SUBSCRIBE Button on YouTube.
member updates
Heard a great message and you'd like to hear it again? Need some uplifting words as you prepare for or are driving to work? Would like to share a message with a co-worker, friend or family member? You have come to the right place.
why we pray
Some people ask "if God knows everything, why do we need to pray"?
give your life to christ
Have you ever been asked the question "are you saved"? What does it mean?
Have you wondered what happens when you die?
If I'm a good person, will I go to heaven?
How can I know for sure that I will go to heaven when I die?
How can I have joy and peace in my life?
Have you wondered what happens when you die?
If I'm a good person, will I go to heaven?
How can I know for sure that I will go to heaven when I die?
How can I have joy and peace in my life?
give your time, talents, and treasures to christ
Giving our tithes and offerings reflects a grateful heart that wants to give back to God a portion of what He has given us; in reality, what is already His.
*** News and events ***
Children & Youth Ministries
Current Events and Virtual Zoom Meetings for Kingdom Kids & Youth Ministries
Nursery Open 18 mo - Kindergarten
Childrens Church Available 1st grade - 5th grade
Youth Ministry Sunday Evenings 6th grade - 12th grade
Nursery Open 18 mo - Kindergarten
Childrens Church Available 1st grade - 5th grade
Youth Ministry Sunday Evenings 6th grade - 12th grade